The Dusty Shelf


  One year ends and a new one begins, full of possibilities and excitement.  The hype of the New Year brings the thought of change, and the concept that this year will be your year. It's time to set resolutions, goals, and dreams. A fresh new start awaits you in the months ahead. But didn't you do this at the start of last year? What goals did you set twelve months ago? Did you accomplish them? The funny thing about New Year resolutions is that they start strong but they eventually get shelved and forgotten about. Being guilty of incomplete resolutions is nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone does it. Life gets in the way and it isn't always easy to stay on top of your goals. However, forgetting these goals and making the same false promises to yourself year in, year out is the real harm. There are so many goals set at this time of year, but the majority end up sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Maybe the following year you will pick them up and dust them off again, but more often than not they sit there, never to be thought about again.


  This year, make the conscious effort not to neglect the goals you set. Or perhaps revisit last year's failed resolutions. It is always good to remind yourself that failure is not anything to be ashamed about, giving up is the problem that we need to avoid. Each goal is important, and accomplishing them will keep you focused, pushing you towards new and exciting challenges. A lot of pressure is put on New Year's Resolutions. Some of them are so outlandish that you already feel they are impossible to accomplish within the year. Understanding that they're nothing more than a goal you could set tomorrow, or next month for that matter, can help ease the anxiety and pressure that could arise from the thought of failure. These goals are not constrained by time, and if you don't finish them or take a backwards step, it doesn't matter. As long as you continue to make progress regardless of pace. These are your aspirations, no matter how small or big they may seem, they are all equally valuable to the growth of your dreams - both personal and professional. Treat them accordingly. 


  By removing the pressure of New Year goals and keeping the focus on your aspirations, both personal and professional, this year you may see more success. When you really think about it, everyone has dreams, whatever they may be, so these goals are stepping stones to making those dreams reality. Take them one at a time if you need to. Just don't forget to celebrate the accomplishment of any goals before moving on to the next on the list, or creating more. A win is a win regardless of how big or small. They should be rewarded with the recognition that you are one step closer to the person you wish to be. If there's a New Year's resolution I would recommend above all else, it would be to make sure all the goals you set for yourself are not put aside and left to gather dust until the following year. Instead, keep them at the forefront of your mind. Don't give up on them, even when three months have passed and you've seen little to no progress. Dreams take time and work, so understand that if you choose to chase them, that's far more exciting then working a job you hate. 

Keep working towards those goals so you can look back at the end of the year and not see a dusty shelf, but a trophy cabinet of all you have achieved, with room for plenty more.


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