New Year - New You


  So it's that time of year again, when we hit the reset button and put all those things we didn't accomplish behind us as we look towards the next chapter, 2017 the year of you. But what exactly is going to make the next 12 months any different from the ones that just past? Why will 2017 be better than 2016, or 2015 for that matter? Through the hype of end of year festivities and celebrations, the majority of us get caught up in that yearly tradition of making new year's resolutions. January 1st has arrived so we start afresh, eat better, train harder, stop smoking, etc. Bring on the new showreel, the new headshots and the new agent. Then February hits and life really starts catching up to us. These little promises we made to ourselves at the start of the year become empty resolutions, the same ones we make time and time again. Bring on 2018, we'll show them all then.


  We can't wake up one morning and all of a sudden be completely different from the person we were yesterday.  The start of a new year isn't going to fix our complacency. On the whole we are all lazy by nature, and it becomes a habit, one that we often excuse. So what we need to be doing is changing those habits and they definitely don't change over night. Every one of us is different so there is no exact formula as to how long it takes to break a bad habit and replace it with a good one. It could take you a couple of months, it might even take you the whole year. Understanding that you can't reach the top of the mountain without climbing it first is going to help you find the patience required to create new habits. You wont just all of a sudden consistently train or eat clean, you will slip up and revert back to your old ways. You just need to catch yourself when this happens and refocus, start again. The more you do this the easier it gets.


  Why wait for the new year to give yourself these resolutions? We all have dreams and goals we wish to achieve and the majority of us always say 'next year', 'next week' or even 'tomorrow' I am going to do it. What if you just said now? Like right now at this moment, whatever it is you want to do or achieve, what ever goals you had planned just start today. Put down that soft drink, go for a walk, start writing a new play, find auditions, anything. That new headshot of yours isn't going to make you famous and the phone won't just ring, it takes work. If you need to wait for the new year than you'll probably be waiting your whole life. If you fail, start again don't wait for the next week. We keep postponing everything, which then becomes a day wasted, a day we put off doing what we love. Someone out there didn't put off doing what they loved and they will probably end up being the person you wish you could have been. Take a chance and take a risk, start small but for the love of everything you hold dear to yourself just start!


Feeding the Beast


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays