Choose your own Adventure


  Storytelling: much like music, art or any of those creative career paths is very personal, which means there is no correct way to go about it. The more you allow yourself to let go of the concept that tells us you must act this way or you must write this way in order to be successful, the quicker you will find a freedom in your work. There are quite a few places that I have come across in my time that preach these sorts of theories. If I follow exactly how they tell me to do something I will get the results I am after, or that this is the only way to act or write. The reality is in that one plus one doesn't always equal two in a creative field. There is no structure or technique that is set in stone, so why try to be like everyone else? If we all did everything the same then the films we tell would become so boring. It's far more obvious in great musicians both past and present; most of them went against the grain, working on an impulse they felt on a far deeper level over some technique they were taught. We are all unique and we all have stories to tell, so why let those stories be bound by some rules you have been told? The people you admire most in this field were those that found what worked for them and didn't follow everyone else.


  Though it can take time to work out what is best for you, the only way you will gain an understanding on how you work is through trial and error. Be a sponge and learn as much as you can from anyone willing to dispense advice. Not everything will resonate with you but if you are open to anything then you will start to feel what you need as an artist, whether that be acting, writing or directing. Allow yourself to make mistakes and give yourself permission to fail. We are always too caught up on getting everything correct; we don't know everything and are constantly learning. It is all part of the process and if you are willing, you will discover what works for you at any given point in time. As things change so do you, our methods evolve, some things that did work may no longer work but by this stage you will understand your own process more, giving you the ability to ride those waves of change with ease.


  Once you have discovered your voice, don't be afraid. Take those risks whenever you get a chance to do what you do best. It isn't often we are allowed to do what we love and if we are lucky we may also even get paid to do it. So if you get the chance to act don't let that slip, or if you are able to write films you should do everything you can to get them made. Have that belief that you understand what you are about as an artist and that strength and self-belief can get you a long way. The film could suck or your acting could be rubbish, but it's not the end of the world. You took a chance and if it didn't pay off that might be an even greater blessing than if you or the project was successful. You pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, hone in on your skills more and tweak your process before you go at it again. The most important thing is to back yourself through the successes and failures, while also being critical with yourself. There is a difference between self-belief and delusion: the moment you think you are the best and you can do no wrong is probably the moment you're doing everything wrong.



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